Wander with style
Discerning Nomads
About us

About us

Hi everyone, we are Lena and Tim, just a couple of empty nesters that have decided that it is time to pull up our traditional roots and wander around the world. Thanks to the ability to draw from Tim’s pension early, plus some late-in-the-game savvy investing, we are (almost) ready to give up working full time.

At this point we are nearly two years into our journey. We have spent 3 months in Cozumel last winter, visited major destinations in 9 countries in Europe over the summer of 2022, spent several months at our beach house in Gulf Shores, Alabama and traveled pretty extensively across the United States. So far.

2023 has us on an extended visit in the Pacific Northwest spending time with family and looks like the year we will walk the Camino de Santiago in Spain (most travel plans in place, just need to find airfare back – it’s getting expensive).

We are relatively young to be “retired”. We didn’t follow the now-popular FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) movement arc. We aren’t especially frugal, or at least we haven’t been in the past. We enjoy some pampering when we travel, checking out some of the finer things.

But we also know that we probably can’t replicate our prior travel style without permanent jobs and hefty incomes rolling through the door. We will need to make some adaptations.

From that comes our blog name: Discerning Nomads. Choosing the right place, at the right time, and at just the right level of comfort will need to be our specialty. We feel that there are probably many others like us. We hope that by sharing our journeys we will provide others with some insightful tips – most of which we have left to learn ourselves!

Thanks for joining us on our adventure!